How do you keep vinyl siding looking new?

Regularly Scheduled Thorough Cleaning The first and most important key to keeping your vinyl siding looking new is to clean your exterior regularly. Most manufacturers recommend that you clean vinyl siding at least once a year.

How do you keep vinyl siding looking new?

Regularly Scheduled Thorough Cleaning The first and most important key to keeping your vinyl siding looking new is to clean your exterior regularly. Most manufacturers recommend that you clean vinyl siding at least once a year. The more you clean, the easier it will be. Pressure washing the coating once a year is usually sufficient for most homes.

However, it's best to have it done by a professional, as pressure washers can cause uneven streaks; it can even cause the caulk to loosen or peel off completely; which can lead to leaks. In addition, you should also check with the manufacturer of your vinyl siding if they recommend a pressure wash, as all vinyl liners are not compatible with pressure washing. For easy cleaning, such as dirt and debris, all you need is a bucket of warm water mixed with a mild soap, such as laundry detergent or dish soap. Use a bristle brush or soft cloth to scrub debris by hand and rinse with a garden hose.

Use a long-handled brush to clean the topmost vinyl siding. Wash vinyl siding at least once a year. Mix vinegar and water in a large bucket at a ratio of 30 to 70:30 percent vinegar and 70 percent water, according to JM Roofing & Siding instructions. This cleaning mixture is used to wash vinyl siding and remove dust, dirt, mold and debris.

If the mixture of vinegar and water is not effective in cleaning the panels, mix a mild laundry detergent with water in the same ratio of 30 to 70%. Pre-rinse the vinyl coating with a hose. This initial rinse should help loosen dirt and grime accumulated on the surface of the coating. Apply the cleaning mixture with a soft brush or low-pressure garden sprayer.

Start at the bottom and work your way up the coating with the soap. As you go, rinse the soap off the liner with a hose. The lower levels should remain constantly moist while rinsing the upper layers, which prevents streaks and stains from forming. Apply coating paint with a synthetic bristle brush or paint roller with a lambswool cover.

Paint from one end of the coating to the other to avoid streaks and tackle one panel at a time. Continue until all cladding panels are painted and allow to dry for at least 12 to 24 hours. Apply a second coat following the same process. Vinyl restoration products generally restore and brighten vinyl siding that has faded from rust, sun damage, and inclement weather.

Carefully read the labels of your insecticide or herbicide before use to protect the life of your vinyl coating. Excessive exposure to sunlight can also cause chalk buildup as a result of dust and dirt on the vinyl siding. When you install vinyl siding in Fort Wayne, IN, you won't have to worry about replacing it for at least 20 years. You must follow all of the manufacturer's instructions for your vinyl siding and cleaning products.

Keeping vinyl siding looking great all year round doesn't have to be an extremely difficult process. If you aim a pressure washer at your vinyl siding, make sure to stay in front of the liner, as the space between the liner could hold water and cause water damage over time. If your home cleaners aren't effective at cleaning mold and mildew, call your vinyl siding manufacturer for a special vinyl siding cleaner. After all, vinyl siding is maintenance free and requires no sanding, painting or sealing like wood does.

Before starting the process of washing your vinyl siding, you should prepare the interior of your home and its siding to protect yourself. To clean vinyl siding without also cleaning your plants, cover shrubs outside and protect your landscape. Mold may grow on vinyl siding due to tree leaves or debris that may have fallen into your home. By following these simple tips, you can extend the life of your vinyl siding after siding installers in Fort Wayne, IN have placed it.

For additional help with discoloration, contact your vinyl siding manufacturer to find out if your coating needs to be replaced. While wood and fiber cement siding are also good choices, vinyl siding is one of the easiest to maintain. . .

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